내가 담아온사진

서산 해미천벚꽃

自由人 2021. 4. 13. 15:58

서산 해미천벚꽃 ( 2021.4.3 )


' ; // get html // ======== var _html = _response; // normalize // ========= _html = _html.replace(/<\s+/gi, '<'); _html = _html.replace(/\s+>/gi, '>'); _html = _html.replace(/\s+\/>/gi, '/>'); // remove // ====== _html = _html.replace(/<script[^>]*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, ''); _html = _html.replace(/<script[^>]*?\/>/gi, ''); _html = _html.replace(/<noscript[^>]*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/noscript>/gi, ''); _html = _html.replace(/<onload="*?"/gi, ''); // add load handler // ================ _html = _html.replace(/<\/body/i, _script+'</body'); // append frame // ============ $R.$nextPages.append('' + '<iframe' + ' id="nextPageFrame__'+_pageNr+'"' + ' scrolling="no" frameborder="0"' + '>' ); // write to frame // ============== var _doc = $('#nextPageFrame__'+_pageNr).contents().get(0); _doc.open(); _doc.write(_html); _doc.close(); }; // loaded in frame // =============== $R.getContent__nextPage__loadedInFrame = function (_pageNr, _pageWindow) { // find // ==== var _found = $R.getContent__findInPage(_pageWindow), _foundHTML = _found._html, _removeTitleRegex = new RegExp($R.articleTitleMarker__start + '(.*?)' + $R.articleTitleMarker__end, 'i') ; // get first fragment // ================== var _firstFragment = $R.getContent__nextPage__getFirstFragment(_foundHTML); // gets first 2000 characters // diff set at 100 -- 0.05 switch (true) { case ($R.levenshteinDistance(_firstFragment, $R.nextPage__firstFragment__firstPage) < 100): case ($R.levenshteinDistance(_firstFragment, $R.nextPage__firstFragment__lastPage) < 100): // mark $R.debugPrint('NextPage', 'false'); // mark again if ($R.debug) { $('#debugOutput__value__NextPage').html('false'); } // pop page $R.nextPage__loadedPages.pop(); // break return false; default: // add to first fragemnts $R.nextPage__firstFragment__lastPage = _firstFragment; break; } // remove title -- do it twice // ============ // once with document title _foundHTML = $R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_foundHTML, ($R.document.title > '' ? $R.document.title : '')); _foundHTML = _foundHTML.replace(_removeTitleRegex, ''); // once with article title _foundHTML = $R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_foundHTML, $R.articleTitle); _foundHTML = _foundHTML.replace(_removeTitleRegex, ''); // display // ======= $R.displayPageHTML(_foundHTML, _pageNr, _pageWindow.location.href); // next // ==== $R.getContent__nextPage__find(_pageWindow, _found._links); }; // rewrites // ======== // rewrite displayPageHTML -- for multi-page articles // ======================= $R.displayPageHTML = function (_processedPageHTML, _pageNr, _pageURL) { // skip first if (_pageNr > 1); else { return; } // push to pages $C._nextPages.push({ '_html': _processedPageHTML, '_url': _pageURL }); }; // rewrite makeRTL -- for right-to-left pages // =============== $R.makeRTL = function () { $R.rtl = true; }; $R.makeNotRTL = function () { $R.rtl = false; } // set component object // ==================== window.ClearlyComponent = $C; window.$readable = $R; }


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